These are the current For.U.M. affiliates:

– Malta Union Of Midwives and Nurses (MUMN): MUMN was founded in September 1996 and represents 96% of the nurses and midwives in Malta. MUMN besides its primary role of a trade union is also a nursing association embracing different specializations within the nursing profession. MUMN is affiliated in various international organizations such as the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and the European Nursing Association (EFN). MUMN is the biggest union within the Health Sector in Malta and the fifth largest trade union in the Maltese islands. MUMN is also the sole recognized union to represent the nurses and midwives both in the government sector and in the private sector. MUMN is a union which throughout its existence has strived to support and look after the interests of nurses and midwives alike. However the main objective of this union is that it pledges to educate and strive to reduce the risk of every type of illness, assist all patients, use possible means to lessen the discomfort and suffering of all patients and hasten convalescence.

– Union Periti u Inginiera fis-servizz pubbliku (UPISP): UPISP was founded in 1990 under the name of Union Periti tal-Gvern u Parastatali (UPGP). The membership was restricted to Architects and Civil Engineers employed in the Public Service, Parastatal Bodies and Public Corporations. Following requests to the Union to broaden its membership, it changed its name to Union Periti U Inginiera tas-Servizz Pubbliku (UPISP) in 2004 and extended its membership to Mechanical and Electrical Engineers besides Architects & Civil Engineers within the Public Service. In 2005, the UPISP was granted Sole Representation of the Architectural and Engineering grades within the Civil Service after official confirmation that it had the majority of membership of the Architectural and Engineering professionals employed within the Public Service.

– University of Malta Academic Staff Association (UMASA): UMASA was founded on 23rd January 2001 to promote the individual and collective interests of academic staff members and independence of thought and freedom of university teaching and research at the University of Malta. It was subsequently registered as a Trade Union on 5th May 2004. It was also a founding member of the FOR.U.M. group of unions when this was set up in 2004. In a landmark decision by the Industrial Tribunal in January 2007, UMASA was given joint recognition of Academic Staff at the University of Malta and signed its first Collective Agreement with University in January 2009.

– Union Professjonisti fl-Ambjent u l-iPpjanar (UPAP): UPAP is an in-house union representing professional employees at the Planning Authority (PA), the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) and the EPRT. The Union was set up in 1994 and amongst its members one finds Architects, Planners, Environmental Experts, Scientists and GIS experts. The Union is composed of over 200 members. The UPAP has negotiated a number of Collective Agreements since its inception. UPAP always strives to promote good working conditions and to raise the professional profile of its members, particularly as key contributors to the public service in Malta. UPAP is a founder member of Forum Unions Maltin (FOR.U.M) striving for better working conditions for workers within the Maltese Islands.

– Union Ħaddiema Bank Ċentrali (UĦBĊ): UĦBĊ is a house union representing employees at the Central Bank of Malta. UĦBC was officially registered on the 26th of February 1993. The decision to set up a house-union was taken by a group of employees, formerly members of other unions. Thus, employees benefitted from one strong union membership avoiding the past division between both employees and their respective unions. Until recently, the union represented only the clerical category at the Bank. It was only in November 2010 that the union was granted sole representation for the executive category also, following a verification exercise by the Director of Industrial and Employment Relations. On a national level, the UĦBĊ is a member of the FOR.U.M., whilst on an international level, it is a member of the Standing Committee of European Central Banks’ Unions (SCECBU).

– Airline Pilots Association – Malta (ALPA): ALPA has been recognized to represent Air Malta pilots since the early months of 1988. The Union forms part of International Federation of Airline Pilots Association (IFALPA) and is a member of European Cockpit Association (ECA). The Union represents 132 members who are pilots (retired, existing or prospective) who have been employed, are employed or may be employed by an Airline registered or operating in Malta. The Union is a non governmental organization, it is non profit making and is managed by an executive committee which operates on voluntary basis. ALPA Malta main function is to safeguard its members’ interests in terms of working conditions as well as securing a safe working environment. For this reason other sub committees work within the main executive committee.

– Association of Airline Engineers Malta (AAE): AEE was founded in September 2001 by a group of engineers employed by Air Malta. In June 2002, the AAE was awarded sole recognition for engineers employed with Air Malta. Subsequently AAE also won sole recognition for engineers employed with Lufthansa Technik (Malta) and SR Technics (Malta). Since then, several Collective Agreements and other agreements have been signed with these Companies. AAE presently has around 170 members and is affiliated to Aircraft Engineers International. AAE lobbies actively for improved air safety, attracting investment to Malta and improving working conditions for engineers in aviation.

– Union of Cabin Crew- Malta (UCC): UCC was founded in 1988 and represents cabin crew in Malta. It has close to two hundred members and has sole recognition when dealing with cabin crew issues at MaltaÂ’s National Airlines – Air Malta. It is affiliated to the Cabin Crew Committee (CCC) which is also a member of European Transport Federation (ETF). The UCC is also a founding member of FOR.U.M.

– Malta Union of Teachers (MUT): The MUT is the longest established trade-union in Malta. The MUT stands as the largest sectoral trade union in Malta, representing educators and allied professionals across the whole spectrum of education: from kindergarten up to university level. A very active trade-union participating in various local and international fora related to education, industrial relations and related subjects. The MUT is affiliated with FOR.U.M., ETUCE and EI. The MUT launched various initiatives, notable amongst which was an attempt to unite the local trade union movement within a TUC in 2008.

– Enemalta Professional Officers Union (TEPOU): TEPOU was recognized under the Malta’s Employment Act on 3rd August 1990. In 2008, the EPOU was officially accepted as a FORUM member. The EPOU is an in house union which seeks the interests of grades in Enemalta, whose requirements include the possession of a university degree of EQF/MQF level 6 or higher. Thus, all members of the EPOU are professionals working in the energy sector. From the day of its founding, the EPOU has signed four collective agreements and has now a membership rate of approximately 90%.

– Union Technical and Clerical MEPA (UTAC): UTAC is an in-house union within MEPA which safeguards the interests of the technical and clerical staff working with the same entity. UTAC was established and registered as an official trade Union in May 2008. Since then three executive committees were duly elected. The main aim for Unions is to increase the number of members in order to be granted sole recognition when dealing on collective issues.

– Engineering Resources Limited Senior Staff Union (ESSU): ESSU was registered in January 1999. The Union was originally called Enemalta Senior Staff Union, representing managers employed by the former Enemalta Corporation. When the latter was legally closed down as a Corporation, in 2014, staff were all transferred to Engineering Resources Ltd (ERL). The Union changed its name to Engineering Resources Ltd Senior Staff Union. The managers are all in fact loaned from ERL to Enemalta plc, Enemed Co. Ltd and various other Government Entities. Managers at ERL do not have a Collective Agreement but have individual contracts with ERL.

– Union of Water Services Corporation Professionals: The UWSCP is an in-house union representing the Professional employees working within the Water Services Corporation (WSC). Our union was formed back in 1994 and has consistently grown to represent nearly all the professional staff working at the Corporation. Our main aim is to regulate and improve the relationship between our members and the WSC Management. Other important aims that the UWSCP strives for is to improve the working conditions of our members, to regulate and improve collective relationships between our members and other workers within the WSC and also to help the WSC to improve its operational efficiency whilst keeping a high degree of professionalism between our members.